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Painting the Head: Painting the Big Averages
Preview of Class #2

RUNTIME: 1 hour, 2 minutes

Peggi Kroll Roberts

Instructor, Class : June 10, 2019

We are painting the head by practicing to paint the big "Averages" first using color. We paint from photo reference and practice establishing the big averages first—flesh in light, flesh in shadow, background, and clothing. Taken from the book, "The Art Spirit", by Robert Henri, by pre-mixing all of your big averages, it helps to keep the painting process more organized and to establish a path to creating color and value harmony. We begin with our big "motherlode" piles of paint and learn to compare these averages. View some video stills here.

Simplified Proportions of the Head, Class #1
Painting the Big Averages, Class #2

Assignment: Using photo reference, practice painting the "big averages".

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